Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's About the Shoes

You know the days when you feel down, nothing will make you feel better, the glass is half empty and you drank the last cup of chocolate milk yesterday? Those are the worst days :(

I recently discovered the cure.

Today there was no sun, no chirping birds and plenty of gray sky. Bored, I decided to be the garbage man for the day. I lifted two trash bags into my arms; moping, I walked out the door of my apartment towards the dumpster. I dropped a bag of trash, after outside the apartment, to close the door; in doing so, the trash bag tilted over. Out spewed moldy lasagna and raw meat scraps, still oozing blood. D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G.

Picking up the pieces (good song here), I moaned and grumbled about the day not able to get any worse. With one bag in each hand and a trail of raw steak behind me, I looked at my feet as I moved to the dumpster. I realized how cool my shoes were.

I was wearing Keen 'Whisper' waterproof sandals in navy blue (purchase here). Oh how my arches were supported! I felt so cool, and was desperate to be seen! These shoes make any fuddy-dud non fitness, outdoor granola guru (me, basically) feel up to date with the latest outdoor gear. For a moment, I felt like the cool kid who owns the latest camping equipment and spends Saturday climbing the rock wall at REI.

On the way to the trash can there was a puddle; I stomped in it and said to myself, "waterproof!" like a little girl. With a little sashe and tilt of my hip, I fashionably tossed the bags in the dumpster; it was nothing but net!

Finishing my duties, I walked back to the apartment with a swing in my step. The day was looking up! With each step I planned every detail of my climb across the Alps (the dumpster is very far away). Life was grand. The Keen sandals made my day. It was wonderful.

Walking back into my apartment, I swung the door open in confidence. I walked back to my room thinking about my plans to start modeling for outdoor footwear. Just before I reached the hallway, my roommate said to me, "Hey Laura, want to take out these other two bags of trash since you have waterproof shoes on?"

I have never been happier to say yes.

(to learn more about clothes that make you feel cool, check out this puffer-vest post here)


julieb said...

it's amazing what a great pair of shoes can do for the soul!
luv ya!

Unknown said...

i love shoes too and I think Douglas hates all of my shoes :) I guess they are not for him they are for my soul.

Thanks Laura!

Sonnie and Ryan said...

Laura! I love you!! You are so awesome!!