Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last night I decided to ignore my fifteen page research paper and watch the Olympics instead. With my jaw to the floor, I sat flabbergasted to find out that snowboarder Shaun White, a gold medalist from the 2006 Winter Olympics, has his own personal half pipe. I repeat, he has his own personal 20’X30’ half pipe which was built exclusively for him. I would argue that is probably a contender for the ultimate “I’ve made it” statement to the World. Red Bull, a sponsor of White, shelled out $500,000 to build the pristine half pipe for White on Silverton Mountain in the seclusion of the Colorado Rockies. Being a Colorado native and mountain enthusiast myself, I did a double take thinking White was shredding the same powder I find myself doing graceful face plants in. White spent one month on his private training grounds, accessed only by helicopter or snowmobile, prepping new tricks. The top-secret training mission for White was entitled “Project X”. Upon first hearing the project name I imagined White in MI4 (soon to be released this year!) rolling on the floor with a gun waiting to stick it to a bad guy. I quickly goggled “Project X” and found a website dedicated solely to White and his tricks. I watched video after video of White falling into a giant foam pit after perfecting various tricks such as the Front Double Cork Ten, Switch Back 900, and Cab Double Cork Ten. My favorite, the Double Mctwist, sounds like a delicious new dollar menu item that melts in your mouth.

After reflecting on the fact that I do not have my own half pipe, I couldn’t help but wonder what my, “I’ve made it” statement is to the World. I’m an average college student. I’m broke and have made plasma donation a weekly part-time job. So, what distinguishes me from the rest of the world? I’m not sure. But, I do know I don’t need my own half pipe to feel satisfied with life. I also know that I’m pretty content with being “average”. Sure, I hold various interests that bring fulfillment into my life, but nothing out of the ordinary. I think about what really makes me happy, and number one on my list would be my chunky nephew Henry with his toothless little grin. Second, pineapple and third, my leopard print Snuggie. I’d be content with those three things for a good period of time. Upon further pondering, I would argue we don’t need a major “I’ve made it” statement to show the World we’re happy. People without a personal half-pipe wake up to an alarm every morning and lead fulfilling lives. While I admire the persistent effort White and other athletes put into progressing various sports, I’ve realized that White’s involvement in “Project X” is not the only thing that defines White to the world. And, I shouldn’t be looking for a mountain to prop up a half-pipe on just to tell the world I’m somebody.


julieb said...

glad to hear you are so content with life, henry makes me soooo happy too!
great creative writing and perspective, welcome back to the blogosphere. glad you're back in the saddle.

Unknown said...

finally a new post!!! Keep them coming! Don't forget to bring your snuggie to Boston and I will buy a pineapple and you can have all the Henry you want!

Michael said...

I love it. Great Blog. I think it is great reading everyday. Keep up the blogs because I love reading your entries.