Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm not looking to get married tomorrow. In this lifetime, yes I would like it to happen. In the next 6 months? No. The next year? It's pushing it, but you never know. To quicken the process, I picked up a "beach-self-help-not-satisfied-with-life" book. Of course, like millions of other women who have been vying for this book, I'm not willing to pay for it. So I went to the library. It took 15 minutes of standing at the spot of the book to finally decide to just go along with it for fun. I was blockading a 3 foot buffer zone to the left and right of me including the sewing, crafting books, right next to the "beach-self-help-not-satisfied-with-life" books just to make sure no one else picked up the same title, which there was only one copy of! Sign number 5 I need to be reading this book. If there's only one copy left, it's hot! If there are no copies, then my oh my it's white hot! Ok, I've talked this book up enough. It's called "Get Seroius About Getting Married: 365 proven ways to find love in less than a year". Now, let's not all roll our eyes at once. Believe me, I rolled my own eyes at myself plenty of times within the past 12 hours pondering what to do with this book. I've past it for weeks now at the library, every time I go I think how funny it would be to get it, follow it and blog about it. (Secretly, I'm just trying to become a movie, like the recent Julie and Julia movie. Next I'll be reading 365 tips to be in a movie in less then a year!)

So enough of the chit chat, let's get down to business. Part one of the book talks about preperation being everything. UGH! I go to work and I prepare rolls and cakes and mints and chicken salad for the next day. At home I prepare dinner (when pigs fly) and make sure that I prepare my clean clothes for work tomorrow. Why is everything about preparing. ENOUGH with the P word. The author, Janis Spindel, also referred to "preparing" as "laying the groundwork". I'm sorry, but am I simply the foundation of a house? I'm not just the foundation I AM THE HOUSE and everything inside of it! And the lawn! I see her point, yet I also am sick of preparing. I want to go and do as we have been dilligently taught since sunbeams! Go and Do not Sit and Stew!

Ok, I'm 3/4 of the way through the first chapter. This is for desperate people, women in particular. I would like to make it clear that I am not desperate.

I just finished flipping through the book. What was I thinking? I'm in over my head. Me, married?!?! Silly me. While I was looking forward to providing a month of entertaining blog posts of me "finding love in the Mile High City" its not going to happen with this book. I should have read the back cover before I brought the book home. It reads, "The ultimate guide to finding your soul mate for the smart, sophisticated 35+ woman".

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