Friday, September 11, 2009

Calling in Sick for Work

Last night I felt as if I was going to die at work. I had a headache that was in my eyeball sockets, it hurt to keep my eyes open, life was not good. Then, I saw a light, and Iwent towards it. Reaching up with both arms. Then I realized I was staring at the light in the ceiling. I had been stepping up on a step stool to get more potato chips to refill the shelf of chips in the pantry.

That was when I knew I wasn't doing too well. Luckily, that happened at about 8:45, so I did not have long to go left in the day. My plan was to come home, take three TylenolPM and go right to sleep. I did just that. I woke up and I was not feeling well at all, I had some....stomach symptoms. I will spare you the details.

So 1:30 rolls around, and I'm still not feeling well. All day I had been hoping that I would get better eventually, but I didn't. So I decided to call my manager and let him know that I was not feeling well enough to come in and since I was in the Pantry, I really shouldn't come in because I would contaminate the food. I felt really bad calling, this was the first time I had called in sick and I didn't really know what to say. I told him the truth though, that I had some stomach flu symptoms an just don't feel well enough to be at work. But, like Sonnie always tells me, "Watch out for number #1!" So, that's what I had to do today.

1 comment:

Sonnie and Ryan said...

Laura! I'm sorry you were sick, but I am very glad you are taking care of yourself!!! love you!