Sunday, September 13, 2009

I have NEVER liked Kanye West. His lyrics are ridiculous and he's just dumb. This video of him tonight proves just how idiotic he is, and that he simply needs to get over himself. If you didn't see it, Taylor Swift was given the award for best female video and Kanye thought Beyonce should have won, and felt the need to make an outburst and a scene over the event. Later Beyonce, who's wonderful!, won best video of the year. She graciously gave her moment to Taylor Swift and allowed her to finally have her moment.


Unknown said...

I can't believe that how rude.

The Shoeless Schoolmarm said...

I like some of his music, but if thats the way he's gonna act perhaps I won't. I bet he has someone who writes his music for him anyways.

Christa and Marcus said...

That made me SOOOOO mad!!! I am at a loss for words as to how rude that was. what a jerk.