Monday, September 14, 2009

Am I getting old?

This morning I went on a walk. I left at about 7:00, so I was prepared for the fact that I would probably encounter some...ugh....teenagers going to school since we live so close to a High School and a Middle School. I do have a little bit of a problem with teenagers. They intimidate me like CRAZY! I have a somewhat insecure complex when it comes to people younger then me. In this one-upping each other society we seem to live in, I have fallen victim to feeling I must be cooler then people younger then me. So, on approaching this teenage boy this morning, who was extremly emo ( if I do say so myself, I immediately started to evaluate my coolness. I went through my outfit thinking, I've got wide leg black workout pants, a cute green shirt with cool designs on it, a purple ipod with a pink case, comfy shoes that don't look too momish. I reassured myself thinking, I'm good, I'm cool. I just have to walk by and give a quick half-smile smirk with the quick double eyebrow raise. I continued walking towards him at a brisk pace minus the speed walking Mom arms I had going before I saw him. The moment came. I successfully smirked with the fake eyebrow raise that somehow seemed amicable and gave myself a pat on the back thinking I was successful. Then, disaster struck. I was so freaked I was walking so far to the right of the sidewalk, that my foot when off the sidewalk and I got it stuck in the dirt. I of course fell forward and it all happened just after the somewhat amicable eyebrow raise he didn't seem to take as friendly. Still making eye contact when I fell forward, I could see his face cringe up and scowl as if he was saying, "Ma'am, really? Go back to 1990. You're too old."

It was at that moment I realized how ridiculous this entire moment in my life was. I continued walking and whispered to myself, "I'll show him and all these other hooligan teenagers running around town wearing what can hardly be called pants!" I started up my Mom power arms and continued walking, reflecting on how ridiculously old I seem to be getting.

Not even five minutes later I saw some Mom's standing at the Bus stop waiting with their kids. When I saw them my first thought was, "Hey! some new friends!" That's when I decided I was really getting old. I quickly fumbled to change the song on my iPod to Cobra Star Ship and Metro Station. I knew those Mom's would have never heard of those bands. I felt young again...until my ears started to cringe at the noise level of my music. I then succumbed to aging and it's natural process and finished my workout to Il Divo and Michael Buble. Let the Momification process begin.


The Shoeless Schoolmarm said...

oh honey honey honey! you are so much better than those stupid teenagers. Trust me! You do need a little help sometimes, but then again thats where I come in! your uber hip aging friend. Trust me, you're not getting old yet. Plus I trip in front of people all the time when I think I am starring them down or something.

Unknown said...

I have never heard of any of those bands. What age group does that put me in?

Sonnie and Ryan said...

Laura Laura Laura! You are so not getting old!!

Unknown said...

hey where are the pictures I am dying to sere Rachel and Kyle!!!!