Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mile High

I had a wonderful shopping trip today! I purchased a black vintage purse, a silk top, a pretty pink cardigan, a ruffley black top, a Jackie O. black sweater and a white under shirt. How much did I spend? Make a guess....

I'm betting you guessed $150-$200. I spent only $28.83! Beat that! Where did I go? MILE HIGH THRIFT STORE! It's Heaven on Earth (second to the temple). I am so thrilled with my purchases. I did not pay full price for anything, and everything is in brand new condition. Did I mention one item still has tags? I'm telling you, the Duggars (family on TLC with 18 kids and counting) are doing it right as they also buy used clothing. Their slogan, which I have now adopted, is "Buy used, save the difference". Me encanta Thrift Stores. There is something thrilling about shopping at Thrift stores. At a regular store it seems I sift through 15 different pieces of clothing. I find one thing I like. Then on Sunday, I get excited to wear the pretty new blouse to church I just purchased. To my dismay, everyone else wears the same blouse as me on the same Sunday I wear it to church.

Let me explain what happens after a shopping trip to Mile High. I sift through literally, THOUSANDS of different pieces of clothing, rarely finding the exact same style of shirt. Each piece is unique at Mile High. I find oh....20 things I think may fit. So, I go and try them on. I end up liking 6 of them. They are ALL different, and not one other person in that store is buying the same item. On Sunday, I wear my pretty new blouse to church. Comments right and left asking "ooo la la where did you get that?!?" I hear murmurs behind my back saying, " I want that."

The Thrift store is just wonderful. You never know what you are going to find, and whenever you find that shirt you KNOW was purchased full price for $50, and you get it for $4.95, it feels awesome.


Unknown said...

All I can say is dido. and I am glad you finally got to go again :)sounds like you found some great stuff!

Christa and Marcus said...

Wow! I need to get my act together and go there sometime soon. You always look SO cute but now I know your secret : ) Hopefully now I can TRY to be as awesome as you. Hope you are doing awesome!

Sonnie and Ryan said...

Laura! We could all learn a thing or two from you! Shopping is fun with you!