Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's Saturday

You should be impressed. I learned to count the drawers, and close the store last night at work. I'm not giving you any details because that would be the safety of me and the store at jeapordy. Some times LDS people can get desperate too and do CrAzY things!

Today is Saturday! I think we all know what that means. May all the LDS people across Colorado and Nebraska flock to Deseret Book and the temple for "fresh"cinnamon rolls (that were actually made like 5 months ago and then flash freezed...good nonetheless) and the world famous chicken salad. This flocking brings about many good stories for me and reflection time as I will be working from 8:30-6:00. So, get excited for the post I will post tonight. It will be good. Check back later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am checking back and still nothing...I am waiting! By the way how is your essay going?