Thursday, August 20, 2009

Going Green!

Well, I personally may not be going green, but my shoes sure are. Why you ask? Because I was finally trusted with the lawn mower. After (doing the math in my mind...) 617,226,452 seconds and counting of being on this Earth, my Dad finally realized I can handle mowing the lawn. Be it the new machine recently purchased that propels itself or the idea of me being "on my own", maybe that I can handle a powerful serger, I don't know. Whatever the reason behind the decision of me able to handle such a tool, it is simply another thing I won't have to nag my husband about as well as something to put on my resume!

While mowing the lawn, it brings upon the mowess time to reflect on the day. Often, I find myself spelling out four-letter words in the grass. Bad words, yes. This allows me to get out my frustrations of whatever interrupts my knitting and cross-stitching. But I usually let the machine self-propel itself through the grass to cover them up, just in time before my Mom pulls up (yikes!)

I also like to make crop-circles. There are things I don't tell other people. Deep Dark secrets that I keep to myself. Crop-circles allow my to symbolize those secrets I don't speak of. Secrets I can't reveal to anyone, but intelligent beings higher then me. After tonight, I've decided to stop the crop circles. I was rounding the corner under those huge pine tress in our front yard, when I saw it. In the distance, a being with 5 heads, 1 arm and colored like a trout stared at me, and pierced my soul. That creeped me out. For weeks of mowing the lawn, I've cynically and jokingly made the crop-circles, in a somewhat mocking way yet still hoping someone would see. Now I know someone does see, and they do know what they mean. So I now have no more secrets and trust no one.


Michael said...

I wondered why you mowed the lawn in such a strange pattern. I couldn't figure it out, but now I see.
Dad Brown

Unknown said...

Is that why our lawn was so patchy when I came home?

Christa and Marcus said...

You are so awesome Laura! You just crack me up. I always loved mowing the lawn except my dad kept criticizing my style of mowing so don't let anyone cramp your style!!

-Your fellow mowess

The Shoeless Schoolmarm said...

Laura you are soooo funny! I miss you! Hahahahah I love that it took your dad so long to trust you with the lawn mower. I've been mowing 11? I don't know...a relatively young age. I can't wait to see you next winter. And remember. We'll be watching....and waiting...................doooo deeeeee dooooooooooooooodeeeeeeeeeeeedoooooooooooooo