Sunday, December 28, 2008

Good News!

Yes! I got into Practical Homemaking last night! I was SO excited. I got home and thought, eh, what the heck, I'll check to see if there is an opening. And there was! I'm so excited! This way I figure I'll have connections with the professor, so I can use the sewing machines for other things maybe. Hopefully. Fingers crossed!

Did I mention that when you type in "So You Think Can Knit" on YouTube, by video is the first that comes up? Try it, and then watch it, and then email it to everyone you know. I'm hoping it will get popular, and maybe even "discovered" by someone who ahs the ability to give me something really cool. Anyway....

For those of you outside of Colorado, you are missing an incredible going away party for myself. Sorry you can't be here, I will miss you. Even those of you I don't know who read my blog, like you in England. Speaking of going to school, I know I will forget something, so I'm asking all who read this to leave a comment with the one thing you A) forgot yourself or B) think I may forget. Thanks for your helping me.


Sonnie and Ryan said...

It was quite a party! I'm glad I could come even if the rest of my family couldn't!
Did you get your laptop bag/backpack yet?
Good luck!! and keep me posted!!

Elvis Brown said...

When I went to college I forgot my laptop cord. Let just say I was able to surf the internet as long as I had battery power.