Monday, December 15, 2008

The first full day in Boston we went Candlestick bowling. It was so fun, but harder then regular bowling. The balls are a little bigger then a grapefruit, and the pins are straight, no curves. They don't have hips. Ha, I crack myself up. Anyway, we played two games, and Melissa beat me by only one point, BOTH GAMES! I was winning and had a great strategy going, but I guess it just wasn't good enough.

We also went to Mr. Bartley's burgers, a delicious burger place that is the epitome of the Boston dining experience. In the heart of Harvard Square, we were packed in that place like sardines! It was very fun, but cramped. The best part was the menu, and the menu and the way the orders were given. the waitress' would scream the orders at the top of their lungs. The funniest part, the names of the burgers range from the "Brittany Spears" to the "Viagra Burger". So the orders always sounded...interesting. I took a pic of the menu. If you enlarge it, you can probably read it.


Anonymous said...

Was one of those burger names The Yuppie Burger? That's funny. They could just call it the Boston. No offense, it's just a stereotype.

Unknown said...

you are fast good job for posting the pictures. Instead of me posting them too my blog too maybe I will just post a link to your blog.

By the way it is Candle pin bowling or Matchstick bowling.

Sonnie and Ryan said...

looks like you all had a great time. Good job on posting are quite a blogger!